Mandalas in La Costa del Sol

What the Masterclass covers;

Mandala Drawing, Painting & Colour Decoding

·This workshop is designed for those who have never done Mandala Drawing or Painting or have heard of it but want to learn about how it originated and its uses.

I will explain about the origin of Mandalas, what they mean, what they are used for and who uses them.

It is intriguing to know that this form of meditation, learning and Teaching was used many, many years ago to this day.

You will draw your own Mandala, according to the signs that most appeal to you.

You will then start to paint your Mandala, using the colours of your choice.

Intuitive Mandalas tell us a lot about how you are feeling, and by the end of the session you will feel relaxed, fulfilled and happy.

Mandala WorkShop in Marbella